Below are just some of the marine life that can be found on our Primo Deco Live Rock. The live rock here has bulb and sponge anemone’s. This is only to help you I.D. some of the marine life found on your live rock.
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Red SpongeUlosa Hispida |
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Red Boring SpongeCliona Delitrix |
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Variable Yellow Boring SpongeCoralliphagum Siphonodictyon |
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Lumpy Overgrowing SpongeHolopsamma Helwigi |
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Green Finger SpongeIotrochata Birotulata |
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White Lumpy Encrusting SpongeStrongylacidon sp. |
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Sea FrostFilograna Huxlei |
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Christmas Tree WormSpirobranchus Giganteus |
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Ghost Feather DusterAnamobaea sp. |
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Social Feather DusterBispara Brunnea |
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Variegated Feather DusterBispara Variegata |
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Pearly Orange Encrusting BryozoanHippopodina Feegensis |
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Sponge Anemone |
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Light Bulb Anemone |
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Coralline Algae – Reef ClementPorolithan Pachyderma |
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Lesser Star CoralSideratrea Radiand |
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Hidden Cup CoralPhyllangia Americana |
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Speckeled Cup CoralRhizosmilia Maculata |
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Knobby Star CoralSolenastrea Lyades |
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White Condominium TunicateEndistoma sp. |
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Unbranched Hydroid MarginatusCnidoscyphus |
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Feather Brush HydroidDentitheca Dendritica |
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Tubular Horn BryozoanSchizoporella Violacea |
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Sargassum AlgaeSargassum sp. |
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Fuzzy ChitonAcanthopleura Granulata |
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Jewel BoxChama Macerophylla |
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Turkey RingArca Zebra |
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Yellow Calcareous SpongeClathrina Canariensis |
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Flower CoralEusmilia Fastigiata |
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Giant Tunicate PolycarpaPolycarpa Spongiabilis |
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Flat TunicateBotrylloides Nigrum |
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Row Encrusting TunicatesBotrylloides sp. |
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Red Tube TunicateAscidia sp. |
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Black Condominium TunicateEudistoma Obscuratum |
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Spaghetti Worm CrassiucornisEupolymnia |
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Tube CoralCladacora Arbuscula |
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Large Leaf Watercress AlgaeHalimeda Discoides |
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Dead Man’s FingersCodium Isthmocladum |
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Fuzzy Tip AlgaeNeomens Annulata |
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Fuzzy Finger AlgaeDasycladus Vermicularis |
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Green Feather AlgaeCaulerpa Sertlarioides |
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Feather AlgaeCaulerpa Racemosa |
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Y Branched AlgaeAmphiroa Rigida |