Crabs/ Hermits
Blue Leg Hermit Crab This hermit crab has blue legs with red banding. The bright color and active personality make this hermit crab a wonderful addition to an aquarium.
Scarlett Red Leg Hermit Crab; Atl. - Dardanus sp.
Red Leg Reef Hermit; Pac. - Paguristes sp.
Like other members of the genus Calcinus, the Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab is very small but boasts an enlarged left claw.
The Emerald Crab is well respected for its scavenging ability. It will enthusiastically feed on uneaten meaty foods and many types of nuisance algae. Unlike many other animals...
The Electric Blue is a valuable addition to the reef aquarium because it will eat algae including green hair algae and cyano bacteria.
Octopus starter food package
The Boxer Crab (Lybia tessalata), also known as the PomPom Crab, is named for the tiny anemones it carries in its claws.
The Halloween Hermit Crab aka Orange leg hermit is probably the brightest colored hermit crab available. It is commonly found near the Hawaiian Islands.
They are peaceful, and make a wonderful addition to any reef or invertebrate aquarium.
Excellent Algae Eater including troublesome Bubble Algae!
With their brown body and orange to yellow rings on their legs, Sally Lightfoots are a reef-safe crab, very active algae eaters and enjoy feeding off of algae on rockwork.
The Porcelain Crab is common throughout the tropical oceans of the world, and has a flat, round body with two large front claws
The Horseshoe Crab is very strange in appearance and can be unique captives for an aquarium. Very hardy , they can be a good choice for beginners.
Arrow Crabs are excellent reef-safe scavengers, and have a spider-like appearance with long thin legs and an "arrow" shaped head.
Blue Eye Hermit Crab; Marshall Islands
Red Hairy Hermit Crab - Dardanus sp.
Octopus Food Pack Hermits and Shore Crabs
Calico Crab (Hepatus epheliticus)
They may be used as aquarium cleaning crabs and may be used to check algae growth, but they may attack tank mates and reefs.
Species Description The queen conch is a large, marine, gastropod mollusk. Mollusks (from the Latin word molluscus, meaning "soft") are a phylum of invertebrates with over 10...
Octopus Food Pack Hermit Crab Mix
Anemone Hermit Crab Dardanus Pedunculatus
Decorator Spider Crab - Camposcia retusa
Frilly Arrow Crab
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