Beauty and Brains. Arag-Alive helps maintain a proper pH for the life of your aquarium without the constant addition of chemicals, and creates a biological balance to discoura...
Caribsea Aragamax 30 lb. bag
Description: Caribsea Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand (1-2 mm) Aragalive.
This oolitic sand is ideal for shallower beds, allowing denitrification in as little as 1" depth.
Description: CaribSea Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand 40 lb. bag, A revolution in reef-keeping! This is the one you have been reading about in all the hobbyist publications 1...
Description: Caribsea Mineral-Mud 1 gallon Brand: CaribSea
Caribsea Arag-Alive Hawaiian Black 10 LB or 20 LB bag
PurpleUP is a new pink and purple coralline algae accelerator. Since Purple Up is not a fertilizer, it does not promote the growth of nuisance algae.
This mixed grade (of Seaflor Special Grade and small shells) is also ideal for nitrate reducing systems or simply as reef tank bottom cover.
Description: Aruba Puka Shell Seaflor 18 lbs., CaribSea Brand: CaribSea
Only CaribSea’s Arag-Alive!™ Live Sands contains not just the broad spectrum of marine bacteria found in the ocean, but additional specially selected strains of marine bac...
Description: Caribsea Aragamax Grand Bahama 30 lb. bag Brand: CaribSea
Florida Crushed Coral , CaribSea. Aragonite based, helps maintain pH to 8.3. Size approximately 2 - 5mm diameter.
A complete reactor media containing not only calcium and carbonate, but essential trace elements as well. In fact A.R.M. has nearly 50 times the strontium of other brands
CaribSea Seaflor Pink Fiji Reef Sand is ideal for plenum systems, nitrate reduction systems and most fish and reef tanks. Helps achieve the pH of natural seawater.
It is safe for all fish and inverts, and is an aragonitic base material (does not contain cement), requires no curing, and is infused with spored, live bacteria.
Remember what live rock used to look like? Dramatic shapes. rugged, porous, and bursting with pink and purple coralline algae? Nothing could match the magnificent live rock fl...
Caribsea Rubble Zone
Simply Natural – Enjoy this real Caribbean live sand in a breathable bag with no added chemicals or special processing.
Calcium and Aquarium Buffer, Pure aragonite, ground to 10 microns for maximum surface area, provides flash re-mineralization of purified water, with no two parts to mix.
This uniformly graded oolitic aragonite not only provides nitrate reduction in shallower beds but also has an increase in pore water space which allows maximum diffusion rates...
This grade of aragonite is specifically engineered for plenum-type nitrate reducing beds or anywhere a deeper bed is called for.
Accent the vibrant hues of tropical fish with this ebony Tropic Isle Sand.
Great For: Reef Aquariums, Marine Aquariums, African Cichlids Aquariums and Brackish Aquariums.
Description: African Cichlid Rift Lake Authentic 20 lbs., CaribSea Brand: CaribSea
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