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Dwarf Lion - Dendrochirus zebra

Lion fish
Price varies based on options.
Dwarf Lion - Dendrochirus zebra The body colouration varies from red to brown. The body is decorated with vague broad bars and the mid-dorsal spines are shorter than the depth of the body.
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Dwarf Lion - Dendrochirus zebra

The body colouration varies from red to brown. The body is decorated with vague broad bars and the mid-dorsal spines are shorter than the depth of the body.

The pectoral fins are large and feature distinct spotted bands. In most specimens, a short tentacle is present above the eye and there can be more or less well developed leafy appendages on the head and on the lateral line.

This fish has venomous spines.

The Dwarf Lionfish can easily be mistaken for the Zebra Lionfish, but you can tell them apart by looking at the pectoral fins. If spotted bands are crossing the pectoral fins of the fish, you are looking at a Dwarf Lionfish, not a Zebra Lionfish.

The Dwarf Lionfish will also stay smaller than the Zebra.

They are slow-moving and not aggressive, but can be dangerous.

Despite its flamboyant appearance, the Dwarf Lionfish is a docile and shy creature that spends most of its time hiding among rocks and corals. It is very important to include plenty of good hiding spots in the aquarium; otherwise your lionfish can become even more shy and withdrawn.

Dwarf Lionfish should ideally be kept in a small group consisting of one male and a number of females, so a fairly large aquarium will be required.

A small group will need an aquarium that measures at least 120 cm / 4 feet in length.

Do not house them with fish and invertebrates small enough to be considered food.

The Dwarf Lionfish will leave all sessile invertebrates alone.



Recommended Minimum tank size:

The Dwarf prefers a tank of at least 30 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.

Food and Diet:

Carnivorous, feeds on crustaceans and fishes. Feed meaty foods, may require live food to initiate feeding response.

Reef Compatability:

Interesting reef tank resident, but will eat crustaceans and small fishes.

Level of Care:

We guarantee that ALL aquariam species offered will arrive alive and in good condition. However, because of the increased level of care required for this species marked advance aquarist , they have been designated as "Advanced Aquarist Species," and Aquatic Connection cannot guarantee success after arrival. 

Approximate Purchase Size:

Small: 1" to 1-1/2"; Medium: 1-1/2" to 2-1/2"; Large: 2-1/2" to 4"



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